Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Love is Endless"

This music video is called "Love is Endless." I wrote the song in memory of my mother. She was an amazing lady. I miss her very much. The video is a collection of pictures of my mother and other photos I pulled from the Internet. The song is arranged quite simply: guitars, synthesizer, vocals. I recorded it at my home studio. As usual, it's me, playing all parts, mainly because it's difficult to get my musician friends together to record with me...

I still fantasize though about recording one of my songs with "Royal Bliss."--not a Capital Record recording or anything like that, mind you, just a little recording on my home recording system to be part of the collection of CD's I've recorded over the years, which I print a few copies of and all of which have the same title, "Just For My Friends."

No, I'm not looking for fame and fortune--way too much work for an old man of sixty-one, although I'm having fun watching "Royal Bliss' climb to the top. I just like to write songs for my friends every once in a while--remind them of who I used to be, who I am, and who I'm becoming. That's what songs are for you know. They tell others who we are, which is a good thing for me, because I don't communicate very well during the course of conversation or other forms of personal, human interaction. Music is my medium and my confessional, transgressions and all. It's when I let it all hang out--well, then and whenever I'm in front of a classroom, being the other thing I love, a teacher. Anyway, as busy (and famous) as "Royal Bliss" is becoming, it's unlikely they'll be making a cameo appearance in any of my music videos any time soon, but you never know. Less likely things have happened. Wouldn't that be cool?...

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