I call this piece "Three, Six, Nine (and doin' just fine)." Don't forget to click on the paintings to enlarge them...

This one is called "The Miracle of Life," a topic which has been on my mind of late because my youngest daughter, Jessi, is eight months and two weeks pregnant. Yup. It could happen any day. My miracle baby is about to have a miracle baby of her own. And she shall be called Lillian Pearl Sadler or Lilly for short. Yes, a baby is growing inside of Brandon's wife. He's giving it love and Jessi, well, she's giving it life. And so there are three hearts where once there were two as two loving parents stand waiting for you. And your grandma and grandpa can't wait to touch you, Lilly, to see if you're real, although we've already felt your hiccups.

And here she is! On this, the 26th day of August, 2009, I proudly present Lillian Pearl Sadler, my sixth grandchild. To say that the miracle of birth is among the most magical events in the universe is an understatement. And I have found the births of my grandchildren to be even more profound than the births of my children since the births of my children were always tempered by the weight of responsibility (and a sense of inadequacy) which I always felt the moment I first held them in my arms, but holding my grandchidren, just moments after their birth, those are experiences beyond all comprehension--tempered only by love, and even though, during those moments, my eyes are always blurred with tears of happiness, they are moments, more than any others, when I glimpse the purpose of existence and absorb the energy of the universe with a clarity that exceeds perception.