Sunday, August 15, 2010

White Wings to Fly

Note: If you wish to play the video, scroll down and push "pause" on the music player (lower-right) or you'll be listening to dueling songs--one by me and one by George Harrison. I don't think I would win that duel. I composed this song in celebration of the wedding anniversary I just shared with my amazing wife.


Hermit King said...

I have sinned Wes and I know your no priest, but I confess to a huge double dose of envy. First for your ability to set your poetry to music. That is something I dream about but have no aptitude for. Second the incredible love connection you have with that some kinda wonderful woman you moon over. I have not been so apt at that either, but you are an inspiration, a talent, and have always been "THE MAN".

Wes said...

Thanks, Mike, for the compliment. And you are right: Vick and I have a magical connection--tied together at the hip and the heart. As the song implies, we grew up together and were thrust into the adult sea (of parenthood) without benefit of life jacket let alone a raft. We survived that period, which was probably one of the most exciting adventures of our life and learned to thrive on a steady dose of love while we figured out how to swim (and navigate) in an adult world festooned with tidal waves, tsunami's, and whatever else King Neptune could throw at us.

My favorite time: The calm right before the storm. It gives me time to create perspective, see the beauty around me, and get the adrenalin pumping for the next great adventure. Gotta love it.

You are right. I am no priest and we all have sinned--and sinned and sinned. That's what we human beings do. In fact it is our forte. The best we can hope to do is to focus on making new mistakes while avoiding repetition of the old ones. Mistakes make life interesting, let us grow, give us a reason to say "sorry," teach us humility, give us battle scars to wear--and brag about.

I confess to having a long-time aptitude (positive attitude) for music--started tapping my foot to the beat (so my parents said) while still in diapers, although I believe anyone who enjoys music (and I know you do) should dive in and explore that world. What's the worst that could happen? You make a mistake or two--and that's a good thing.

Another thought: Perhaps, a collaboration is in order. We could combine your gift of poetry (which consists of wonderful lyrics begging for a musical home) with my gift of tune and see if the sum of one plus one is greater than two.

So, if you happen to write something that has song written all over it, send me the lyrics. I'll wave my guitar wand over them and see what happens.

A word from "the man" (who still has a lot to learn)to a friend, especially when that friend assumes the vocational persona of managing other folks (as I know you do): There's a reason why aptitude and attitude have the same number of letters--but the terms are more than just synonymous. I'll take attitude over aptitude any day of the week. Give me an employee with a good attitude and aptitude is just around the corner, waiting to express itself.